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The pivot au retiré

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The pivot au retiré

  •   Presentation of the training course on the pivot au retiré
  •   Introduction
  •   Technical analysis of the pivot au retiré
  •   Learning the actions of the arms
  •   Learning the retiré
  •   Learning the 1/2 plié relevé
  •   Introduction
  •   Exercise series at the ballet bar
  •   Exercise series on the floor
  •   Specific exercises for the front lunge start
  •   Exercise series for proprioception
  •   Exercises at the ballet bar
  •   Exercises on the floor
  •   Evolution of the exercise series
  •   Introduction
  •   Visual cues and learning the associated head movement

The pivot au retiré

How to teach the pivot au retiré to your gymnasts?

6 video(s)
Duration : 00h50
Trainer :
Émilie Stockli Roy

The pivot au retiré

How to teach the pivot au retiré to your gymnasts?


Since the evolution of the 2012/2016 code of points, the pivots family has taken on an important role in the dance elements. These elements can be performed in several forms and with several degrees of rotation. The more complex they are, the more value they will have and the higher the level of mastery they will require from the gymnasts.

We will begin this section on floor by working on the pivot au retiré. This element may seem quite simple to learn, but it is very important in the gymnasts' training path to build solid pedagogical skills, which will facilitate the access to more difficult pivots.

In fact, once this first element has been mastered, the gymnast will be able to add additional degrees of rotation or modify the posture of the free leg: in fourth, in attitude, or in battement attrapé.

To help you teach this element, we offer a technical analysis where we will study: the starting posture, the transfer of support, the relevé on demi-pointe, maintaining the alignment of the segments and finally the visual cue.
All this information will enable you to build the different stages of learning this element with precision and progression.
We will then look at all the pedagogical situations that can bring your gymnast to achieve a satisfying level of mastery.

We wish you a good training course.

Find out more
6 video(s)
Duration : 00h50
Trainer : Émilie Stockli Roy